
Posts Tagged ‘sort by color’

I just learned that there’s now an easier way to try to help patrons find books by color. They’d still need to know a little bit about the book but did you know that you can do a Google Images search and then sort the results by color?  I was vaguely aware of this feature but it never occurred to me to try to do it for a cover search.  Take a look at my screencast  for a quick demo on how it works.  My sample isn’t the most elegant so I’ve embedded the the actual Power Searching lesson below.

I found out about this through a free course distributed through the SLA listserv.  Power Searching with Google starts today and will run through July 23.  Classes are released at regular intervals and the course is self paced (and seems to come with a certificate of completion, I’ll post that on the blog somewhere later).  The first class covers some basic tips such as using ctrl + F to find text on a page and keyword strategy but it also included the color sort for images.  I recommend signing up the activities are painless and it looks like it will be useful!

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